Make some time each day to ask yourself – ‘what’s one thing I’m grateful for today?’

Maybe it’s a person, place, thing, sound, smell, accomplishment, or memory.

Jot down what it is that comes to mind in one sentence.

Doing this once a day helps make practicing gratitude a habit, builds self-awareness, and gives you a creative outlet for reflection. This approach also helps you keep track of grateful thoughts to look back on when you’re needing support and motivation.

Try this out in your journal or download a blank template here to get started.

Some extra ideas to try:

  • Get creative – decorate your page with paint, markers, stickers or collages to make it your own.
  • If needed, give yourself another blank page to write or draw other things that come to mind as you’re reflecting.
  • Decide on your timeline – you can do this for a week, month, or year.

What’s one thing you’re grateful for today? Share in the comments below!