About Colleen

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So far Colleen has created 89 blog entries.

The Journey Out of Debt

January 15 | 1:00 - 2:30 pm | On Teams Led by Teri-Lynn Harms, CPA, CMAThis Session Will Explore:  How credit works, Benefits and risks of credit, Types of credit, Cost of credit, How debt accumulates, How to take control of your finances (dealing with debt), Q & A and Resources. Don’t miss this opportunity [...]

General Overview of Separation and Divorce

January 31 |  10:00 - 11:30 am | In-Person at 1150A Waverley St. Led by Ailish Griffin, Lawyer at Tapper Cuddy LLP This session is intended to provide a broad overview on the issues that come up and may need to be addressed after your common-law relationship or marriage has come to an end. Issues [...]

Permission Slip

Hey, beautiful souls! Today, I'm giving you the ultimate permission slip to “DO WHATEVER YOU WANT IN LIFE”.  Whew! Feel better? I know I sure do! I certainly wish that someone had given me this about 20 years ago!  What would you do if you knew there was no judgment? How would you show up [...]

Creative Journal Feature: Reflection & Intention Tracking

This journaling technique helps us carve out some space each day to acknowledge and reflect on our emotions along with setting small goals to help support our mental health and wellbeing. Start your journalling by writing down your current emotions and thoughts. Try using a few prompts like: Today I feel…..because….. One thing on my [...]

Triangle Breathing for Kids

Follow the arrow while taking a deep breath and count to 3 on your fingers. Hold for 3 seconds and then breathe out for 3 seconds. Repeat until you feel calm.

FGWRC Gift Giving Guide

Check off everyone on your list this Giving Tuesday by giving a gift that gives back to support Fort Garry Women's Resource Centre (FGWRC) While the circumstances surrounding each client vary, the underlying message they come to us with is the same - I need help. Your gift will help provide vital services like: Supportive [...]

Safety Alert

If you are in danger, please use a safe computer.

Call 911 or Klinic at 204-786-8686 or the Domestic Violence Crisis Line 1-877-977-0007 (toll-free in Manitoba).

See more technology safety tips here.

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